As with any other relationship, breaking up with your accountant can feel awkward. You may be feeling neglected, that your accountant hasn’t got the time for you anymore. You may be feeling swindled with increasing fees. You may be feeling that you have missed out on pro-active advice and tax planning opportunities. It can be difficult to find the right time to make a change.
In our experience, clients often spend too long feeling under-valued and over-charged before making the change. So, if you’re reading and relating to this, now is the time to act! We have written about the importance of finding the right accountant for you here.
Luckily we clearly outline our service level promises to you and we are here to guide you through the process and will ensure that switching to Equal Accountancy is a quick, smooth and headache-free process for you.
Whilst we promise to handle 99% of the switch-over for you, we do recommend you notify your accountant of the termination of services in writing directly. This may be stipulated in your terms of contract. The good news is, that we completely take over from there.
We will then contact your previous accountant to request Professional Clearance which notifies your old accountant that we have been instructed to act on your behalf. The letter requests all relevant documents from your previous accountant which will include copies of accounts, tax records, tax returns, tax references and any other information we may need to support you going forward. These will be transferred directly from your old accountant to us, no further input required from you.
Once we have received the response from your old accountant, the handover process is complete, and we can ride off into the sunset together…
Have you checked our all-inclusive packages to find the most suitable for your business? Read about our services here.
Equal Accountancy Ltd offers Accountancy and Bookkeeping services in Hemel Hempstead and surrounding areas across Herts, Beds and Bucks. We offer a range of services for Limited Companies, Self-Employed individuals and Landlords including Year End Accounts, Corporation Tax returns, Self-Assessment Tax returns, Payroll services, VAT returns, Bookkeeping and Company Secretarial. Get in touch today for a free, non-obligatory quote for your business needs.