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As we start the second lockdown and with furlough extended to March, we grow increasingly concerned about the #GapsInSupport, particularly for those #ForgottenLtd who face the next five months with little to no support.


Please use our letter as a template to send to your local MP. You can find the email address for your local MP on









Dear (Name of MP)


I am writing on behalf of [Company name], in [Constituency name]. 


I would ask the Government to consider the long-term impact of allowing small limited company directors to have little to no financial support through these difficult times. Without any support, many small limited companies will cease to exist as it will not be a viable option for company directors to run the company and still afford to live. 


Small limited company directors have been left out of the financial support for too long and many simply can not afford to go on much longer. 


Please help us by allowing limited company directors to receive a grant to reflect 80% of their averaged dividend income over 3yrs up to £2,500 to bring them in-line with the employed and self-employed. 


Limited company directors and owners have had insufficient time to prepare for this economic downturn as result of coronavirus. Many small limited companies do not have the financial reserves to be financially resilient to continue through this crisis. We require additional support as a matter of urgency. 


Clearly these are unprecedented and difficult times, and we appreciate the landscape is changing rapidly. However, if we do not get more financial support from the Government we will not exist. 


Directors of small, limited companies bear the financial burden of employing staff and providing a workplace for literally millions of people across the UK. We are all working so hard to protect the financial positions of our business so that employees have jobs to return to when furlough eventually ends. However, in the current financial packages we have been left out. Our businesses demands are dramatically reduced, whilst our expenses have not reduced accordingly. Whilst many of us have been able to apply for loans, this money has to be repaid and whilst it helps to keep our business viable for the short-term in the long-term it does not help us.


Small limited company director’s need the governments support so that running these businesses remain a viable career and allows us to support our families. If we can’t support our families then we will not be able to remain open for our employees to return. We need the Government’s support so that we can help the economy emerge from this crisis without material, long-term damage.


I would ask the Government to consider the long-term impact of allowing small limited company directors to have no financial support. I urge the Government to help us by allowing limited company directors to receive a grant to reflect 80% of their averaged dividend income over 3yrs up to £2,500. This would bring them in-line with the employed and self-employed.


Without limited companies there will be no job roles for those who are furloughed to go back to. Limited company directors can not be left out of the financial support packages, we simply will not be able to afford to live for much longer.


I am asking for your help to raise these issues in debates, letters, PQs, EDMs or whichever measures you feel will be most effective. What we need is your voice to help us raise this issue. Please represent our local concerns at a national level. 


I look forward to your response.


Yours sincerely 





Company owner/MD




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